Monday 12 December 2011


Yes corruption is a major issue in our country. But not the only one. The reason why the so called middle class are actively participating in the fight for a strong lokpal bill, is that it affects there life directly. I do also support this movement not because I belong to middle class, but because I'am an Indian.

But have you thought about 407000000 Indians who are still below poverty line. You may be wondering it looks like the figure of the 2G scam. But it is a bitter truth.

According to UNICEF,

In India, around 46 per cent of all children below the age of three are too small for their age, 47 per cent are underweight and at least 16 per cent are wasted. Many of these children are severely malnourished.

The prevalence of malnutrition varies across states, with Madhya Pradesh recording the highest rate (55 per cent) and Kerala among the lowest (27 per cent).

What they want is food to survive. They want their children to be fed atleast two times a day.

They dont have time to protest on the streets, because they are on the run for their daily bread.

So my question is weather, those who have come out on the streets in large numbers to support Anna and the India Against Corruption, will come onto the streets for these poor and needy.

I'am afraid they wont. Because humans are greedy. They think about themselves and not a bit about their fellow inhibitants. They just want themselves to be happy and secure in the society.

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