Tuesday 13 December 2011

Iron Lady of Manipur

Anna Hazare went on fast for 12 days and government has conceded to most of his demands.

But Irom Sharmila has been fasting for 11 years demanding removal of special armed forces act in manipur. Her demands have been rejected repeatedly, instead the government has kept her under forceful custody and has been forcefully feeding her through nose.

Under the Special Armed Forces Act the military can take custody, anyone found suspicious without any proof against them. Anyone can be shoot dead by military under suspician. In manipur daily on an average 3 people are shoot dead by the military.

Many of the manipuri women were brutally assaulted and raped by some of the military perssonels. Is this not a Human Rights Violation. The manipuries are living in fear between the weapons of the Military and the Militants.




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