Tuesday 10 December 2013

The AAP effect?

The recent elections in Delhi has proved that people will not tolerate bad governance and corruption. The younger generations are looking for a Government which delivers its promises and work for the overall well being of the society. They will not tolerate the loot and rampant misuse of public money.

The presence of AAP and their exceptional success has given a chance for both the major parties to introspect into the reason for their failure in gaining public faith. The Public voice is clear "better you change else we will respond".

I am not of the opinion that all politicians are corrupt or everyone is using politics only for their personal gains. But their are corrupt politicians in every party and what is needed is decisive and quick action from the leadership. The party leadership should straight away throw out such unworthy individuals from their party and look for fresh minds. The youth of India are ready to take responsibilities and they must be given an opportunity to showcase their abilities.

I congratulate the AAP for its success in the Delhi elections. But I think as far as the formation of the government is concerned they should have negotiations with either of the to major parties to form a government. In the present political scenario only AAP can form a government and they should do so. The representatives of the AAP is of the opinion that they are not ready to fix back door deals with other parties. They also feel that if after the formation of the government they cannot bring legislative reforms like the Lokpal bill which they have promised in their election manifesto, then their is no use of being in power.

Even though they have a point. I am of the strong opinion that change is something which takes time and one should learn to negotiate and bring changes in the public sphere although if it takes time. Negotiation doesn't mean back door deals or favors to each other. This is just a beginning and one cannot expect complete solution to a problem in a single stroke.


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