Wednesday 30 January 2013

U.S. fears over compulsory licence for anti-cancer drug allayed

India, conveyed to the US that it had not violated any multilateral trade agreement by issuing compulsory license for Bayer's patented anti cancer drug Nexavar to a local firm so as to make it affordable.

It also asserted that such a move should not be seen as routine by the US.

  • In March last year, Hyderabad based NATCO PHARMA was allowed to manufacture and sell cancer treatment drug NEXAVAR at price not exceeding Rs.8,800 for a pack of 120 tablets required for a month treatment as compared to a whopping Rs.2.80Lakh charged by Bayer for its patented Nexavar Drug.
  • The German firm has already filed an appeal against the Indian Patent office's order with the Intellectual Property Appellate Board.
  • As per the WTO agreement, a Compulsory License can be invoked by a National Government, allowing someone else to produce a patented product or process without the consent of the patent owner in public interest.

Courtesy: THE HINDU

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