Wednesday 30 January 2013

Locked in U.N. files, 15 years of bloodletting at LOC

Complaints by Pakistan of execution beheadings in secret cross-border raids by Indian forces.


12 Pakistani soldiers, 29 civilians killed by Indian soldiers and irregulars on the Pakistan side of LoC since 1998.

  • November 1998: 22 civilians killed in Bandala, Chhamb sector. 2 decapitated. The eyes were gouged out in many bodies.
  • January 2000: Six months after Kargil, 7 Pakistani soldiers tortured and killed in Nandala enclave.
  • June 2008: 4 Pakistani soldiers killed. Indian troops beheaded 1 and took away his head in Bhattal sector in Poonch.
  • August 2011: 3 soldiers killed across the Neelam river valley in Kel.

The allegations laid out in confidential Pakistani complaints to the United Nations Military Observer Group in India and Pakistan (UNMOGIP), suggested that Indian and Pakistani troops stationed on the Line of Control remain locked in a pattern of murderous violence, despite the ceasefire both armies entered into in November 2003.

The Ministry of External affairs said the UNOGIP complaints had not been raised in diplomatic exchanges between the two countries.

A senior Pakistan army official said "we have sought to downplay these incidents, aware that a public backlash could push us into a situation we cannot afford on the LoC."

Courtesy: THE HINDU

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