Tuesday 15 January 2013


Early in September 70 year old Resham Bi, left the village of Charonda, near Uri, to live with her sons and Grandchildren across the Line of Control. Mrs Reshma appeared to have left in the hope of living out her last years with her family.

Mrs Reshma's September 11 flight, set off alarms at the Uri-headquatered 19 infantry brigade. There the incident was seen as highlighting vulnerabilities in defences along this stretch of the line of control.

A week after mrs Reshma's Departure, troops of the 9 Maratha Light Infantry began constructing observations bunkersaround Charonda seeking to monitor the movement of villagers.

The construction work barred by the terms of Line of Control cease fire which India and Pakistan agreed on in 2003- provoked furious protests from Pakistani troops.

However they refused to stop work, arguing that the posts faced out towards the village, posing no threat to Pakistan.

Early in October Pakistan made announcements over a public address system, demanding that Indian troops end the construction work.

Following the announcement Pakistani troops fired mortar and high-calibre automatic weapons at Indian forward positions which killed 3 villagers including a 9th grade school student.

On January 6, 2013 India launched retaliatory attacks in which 1 Pakistan soldier was killed and 1 seriously injured who later died. The pakistan army lodged a complaint to the pakistan governement that the Indian troops did ceasefire violations.

On January 8, 2013 Pakistan army raided one of the Indian Army Patrol Party in Mendhar sector of Poonch area of Jammu and Kashmir and killed two Indian army perssonals Lance Naik Hemraj and Lance Naik Sudhakar Singh. Lance Naik Hemraj was Beheaded and the body of Lance Naik Sudhakar Singh was mutilated.

People from all walks of life and all political parties condemned the inhuman act by the Pakistan army and asked explanation from the Pakistan Government. The Pakistan external affairs minister Hena Rabbani Ghar rejected India's allegations and reiterated that the Pakistani army in no way is involved in the attack. She said Pakistan is ready for a probe from an external agency, like the UN.

Government of India unilaterally rejected the demand of a probe by the UN military observer.

The body of the two martyrs were cremated in their villages with official respects.

The family of Lance Naik Hemraj started a hunger strike asking for the return of his head. Politicians tryed to convince them to stop the hunger strike. Later the family ended their fast after the governement assured them all support.

Later in a press conference held in New Delhi Chief of Army Staff General Bikram Singh reiterated that, Beheasing of soldier is gruesome and most unpardonable. The India's military will retaliate aggressively if provoked any further. He said the Pakistani troops had preplanned and premeditated the actions. He agreed with the possibility of Lashkar-e -Taiba (LeT) terrorists being involved in it. He said 91 Army perssonal of all ranks had made the supreme sacrifice of laying down their lifes over the past year defending the nation in the line of their duty.

General Singh denied that any concrete structure was built by the Indian Army in the area near Charonda village where pakistani forces dominated with small arms and mortar fire.

On January 14 the Army's brigadier-level meeting with the Pakistani authorities at Chakan Da Bagh on the LoC ended.

The Indian delegation lodged a strong protest over the cease fire violations and killing of two soldiers in Mendhar sector. Brigadier T.S.Sandhu made it clear to the other side that India reserved the right ot retaliate util Pakistan apolagised publicly and returned the severed head of Lance Naik Hemraj and the weapons looted from the two slain soldiers.

The Pakistani delegation refused to admit that there had been any violation of the ceasefire or intrusion/aggression from across the LOC.

Prime Minister, Manmohan Singh on January 15 said India cannot continue Bussiness as usual with Pakistan. Meanwhile the VISA pact agreed upon with Pakistan was put on hold for an indefenite period. This arrangement allows Senior Citizens travelling across the border to get their VISA ready on arrival.

The same day in Pakistan the Supreme court ordred the arrest of Prime Minister Raja Parvez Ashraf in a Retail Power Scam within 24 hours. Pakistan Preisdent Asif Ali Sardari arranged an immediate meeting to decide future course of action.

Courtesy: THE HINDU

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